Now Serving Breakfast Every Day, All Day at Collard Green Cafe!

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Collard Green Cafe Supplies Your Next Party or Corporate Event with Catering!

With over ten years of experience in the catering industry, James Paige decided it was time to open his own offering for parties, corporate events, and family functions. His menu selection helps you achieve the perfect atmosphere and fills everyone’s stomach, no matter their tastes or allergies. Design the flawless spread with our team of professional chefs and trust them to prepare an excellent spread. Give us a call, and we will begin the process of building out your menu of fabulous foods and other treats. Our soul food menu choices come freshly cooked using only the best ingredients Tucker, GA has to offer for our customers.

collard green cafe entree

Metro Atlanta, GA Trusts Collard Green Cafe for Their Events

No matter if you are hosting a few friends for a party or you need your entire wedding dinner catered, Collard Green Cafe has the kitchen, experience, and the skill to get your meal prepped with ease. In our over 20 years of experience catering events in metro Atlanta, we have pretty much seen it all and can deliver pleasurable culinary delights. Dedicated to your happiness and a full stomach, we only use the best ingredients available, all prepped and prepared in our state-of-the-art kitchens. Our team can ensure your next catered event is one to be remembered by providing the best food possible. While we base our recipes on traditional southern soul food, we also add our own flavor to keep up with current trends and ingredients coming out of modern southern kitchens.

Catering Options from Collard Green Cafe

When looking to provide your friends, family, or co-workers with authentic southern comfort food for your next gathering, trust the culinary team at Collard Green Cafe. We provide a truly unique experience while exploring traditional soul food flavors and dishes. We can help you select the best entrees, side dishes, and even desserts to satisfy even the pickiest eaters. With dishes like corn-on-the-cob and Salisbury steak, you’ll find something in our kitchen to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Give us a call today to begin your ordering process.

You Won’t Find a Can Opener in Our Kitchen!